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Writer's pictureSmall World Photography

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Chrismas....

CHRISTMAS MINI SESSIONS 2021 - A Great Chance For You To Get Organised With Presents!

Every year I run one seasonal mini session - Christmas Minis. They’ve been a huge success in the past and they mean you have presents in the bag - for parents, grandparents, Godparents, uncles and aunts - ready for Christmas!

So what is a ‘mini session’?

A mini session is a short session, usually lasting only 20-30 minutes long (which is great for little ones who, let’s face it, would rather be exploring than posing for photos - although there are the exceptions 😆). They usually only include 1-2 set ups and have a seasonal purpose in mind.

How much is it and what is included in my Christmas Minis this year?

It is £45 and will include the session, 5 edited images for download and 2 8x10 prints. I have 2 set ups planned for this year - the main one can be seen in the image above, the second is a ‘Waiting Up for Santa’ set up which I will be releasing shortly. You can choose to add additional prints or images to your collection too, if you wanted to do so. Siblings can be included too but due to space I have limited it to no more than 3 and will be age dependent (please message me if you have any queries).

When will they be?

I will be running them for 2 weeks beginning the 1st November. Morning sessions will be between 9:30-10:30am or there will be limited afternoon sessions on Friday and Saturday between 12:30-2pm. They will be ready for you to view and select your images on the dayy, and will then be ready for you to collect and download the week beginning 15th November - plenty of time for Christmas!

How do I book?

Simply get in touch at or send me a message through my Facebook page

All those subscribed to my website will get first opportunity to book before they get released on my Facebook page.

I hope this helps and if you do have any other questions then please do get in touch!

Lots of (early) Christmas cheer,

Stacey xxx

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